It is also proposed to offer a discount of 10% over the card rate for inserting advertisement in six issues in a year and 15% in twelve consecutive issues.
The sizes for the above categories of advertisement are as follows
Gate Fold Front & Rear
26 Cms
40 Cms
Full Page
26 Cms
20 Cms
Half Page
13 Cms
20 Cms
Strip Advertisement
5.5 Cms
20 Cms
Double Spread Advertisement
26 Cms
40 Cms
Screen Percentage: 135%
Advertisement to be given in CD only
Software Requirements – Coral Draw for Printing
Advertisement Tariff to be paid in advance by way of Demand Draft / Cheque favouring "INDIAN WIND POWER ASSOCIATION " payable at "CHENNAI"
Rebate: 10% for Six issues in a year
15% for Twelve Consecutive Issues
The advertisment already booked and paid will continue at the old rates till payments received by us. We shall be happy to provide any further information/clarification, please feel free to contact us